God’s Marriage Triangle



Picture the following as the three points of a triangle:

God – Husband – Wife 

This principle is built upon Matthew 6:33 which has a very wide range of illustrations and applications – marriage included:

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;              and all these (marriage) things shall be added unto you.”

What things? Everything to make failing marriages improve and good marriages better. This application is difficult to believe but easy to follow.

At the top of the triangle is God. God has a plan for everything on earth whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. God has set forth His Plan in the Bible. We are admonished in 2 Timothy 2:15:  “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

A review of all the preceding lessons in this series of articles are built upon God’s Word, and there are many great books on the market teaching specific and general aspects on this subject. But the Bible is the best book of instruction ever written.

Instituting the Plan

Husbands, using a Topical Bible study is all that God requires and expects you to do as the Spiritual Head of your family. Likewise, wives, follow the same study plan to understand how you should fulfill your responsibilities in your role as a wife and mother.

Conclusion:  As each of you work your way up your side of The Marriage Triangle you will grow closer to God and closer to each other.

Tom, if it is that simple why do so many marriages fail to reach the apex of marriage? I’m glad you asked, because now the teaching begins.

My illustration holds true in the majority of the cases I have dealt with for over 30 years, but your situation may be the opposite. Even so the results are identical.

Let’s say that as the wife is working up her side of the triangle she observes her husband slogging up his side of the triangle. She becomes unhappy with his progress, and for whatever reason – good or bad – she decides to cross over to his side to help him along. At this point three things happen, and all three are counter productive.

How so?

When the wife leaves her side of the triangle her process of growth stops. When she gets to her husbands side of the triangle she blocks his growth. And third, and most critical, God’s Plan is left out altogether.

Obviously this would happen if the husband saw his wife slogging along and went to her side of the triangle to move her along.

The answer to this problem is simple:  Get back to your side of the triangle and allow God’s Spirit to flow freely to each spouse as they seek and apply themselves to learning God’s Plan for Marriage.

Husbands and/or wives have said, “But Tom, you don’t know my spouse. If I didn’t try to straighten out my spouse…you just don’t know us.”

My response, “But God does.”

Today the word submit seems to be synonymous with a cuss-word.

Next time:  SUBMIT!