Have Predetermined Prerequisites for Marriage


Up to this point our discussions have focused on problems and solutions to problems as they affect individuals mostly brought on by personal choices. We have stated we may be free to do whatever it is we want to do, but we are not free to choose the consequences of our choices.

The consequences to our choices has always been in the Hands of God because through our choices we either align with the will and way God would have us go or to one degree or another, we go against what He deems best for us.

A long-standing time tested adage has been acknowledged by many prudent people:  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

In forming personal relationships – marriage or otherwise – what to look for if you are looking is sound, Bible-based counsel.

Genesis, as the book of beginnings, is rich in knowledge; and Chapter 24 is no exception. In reading this chapter, we find that Abraham’s explicit instructions regarding finding a suitable wife for his Son of Promise, Isaac also gives direction in establishing relationships in general.

In the next several weeks we will explore the following prerequisites for establishing good relationships:

1. Religion

2. Family-background

3. Social-class

4. Personality

5. In-law Relationships

6. Finances

7. A determination to make it work       

8. Male-female subculture                         

9. Children:  Yes or No.                   

10. Sex.